pada zaman dahulu maksudnya pada suatu hari, Dean ketemu 2 cewek cantik, imut, sexy, bohay (hehehe..) lagi pemotretan di tempat ga jauh dari tempat tongkrongannya.
Dean : "oke juga ni cewek-cewek. deketin ah." (dalam hati)
lalu mereka pun berkenalan
Dean : "hai, cantik. boleh kenalan ga?"
Nanny & Ann : "mmm..boleh aja.."
Dean : "aku dean, nama kalian siapa?"
Nanny : "aku Nanny, dan ini temenku namanya Ann.."
lalu mereka makin lama makin dekat. hingga suatu hari Dean ngajakin Nanny dan Ann makan di resto Roadside.
Dean : "wah, enak nih. Nanny, suka pedes ya?"
Nanny : "iya."
Dean : "Ann, kok kamu bengong aja? kenapa?"
Ann : " ga pa-pa."
Dean : "di makan donk makanannya, jangan dipelototin aja"
Ann : "iya.." (sambil senyum)
Dean : "wiiiiiihh senyumanmu membuat jantungku berdegup kencang. senyuman terindah yang pernah aku temukan di bumi ini"
Ann : "ah, kamu lebay ah"
Dean : "beneran! tanya aja ma Nanny. ya kan Nann?"
Nanny : "ho'oh kali, makan ah laper"
di tempat lain, Nay (ceweknya Dean) dapet sms dari temennya yang bernama Ewon ngasih tau kalo Dean lagi makan bareng 2 cewek di Resto Roadside.
Nay : "apa????? pasti cewek-cewek itu yang ngegodain Dean. awas kalian! tak santet kau!"
lalu Nay melabrak 2 cewek itu dan kebetulan dean ada di sana
Nay : "heh kalian berdua!! ngapain ngegodain cowok gw??" (murka)
Nanny : "iiiih apa-apaan sih lo? dateng-dateng ngamuk. lagi dapet lu yeh?"
Ann : "iya, tau tuh. sape sih lo? dateng-dateng marahin kita?"
Nay : "kalian disini sama si Dean pasti lagi berusaha deketin dia kan???"
Nanny & Ann : "eh, jangan sembarangan nuduh! cowok lu yang ngegodain kita!"
Nay : (nengok ke Dean yang lagi panik)"bener yang mereka bilang???"
Dean : "eu,,itu,,anu,,anu.."
Nay : "anu-anu, kenapa anu lo??"
Dean : "aku bisa jelasin semuanya. ini salah paham."
lalu Dean narik tangan Nay menjauh dari Nanny dan Ann.
Dean : "neng, maafin abang. mereka cuma temen kuliah abang. neng jangan salah paham dulu. abang cuma cinta sama neng aja. ga ada yang lain di hati abang. cuma neng seorang. abang ga bisa idup tanpa neng. dunia hampa tanpa neng"
Nay : "gombal. penyakit lebay kamu lagi kambuh!!"
Dean : "abang ga lebay neng. cuma ada neng di hati abang"
Nay : "liat kamu ma cewek-cewek itu udah bikin aku sakit! sakit hati ini bang! sakit! selingkuh di depan mataku! mulai dari sekarang kita putus! ambil tuh barang-barang yang kamu kasih ma aku. kulkas, mesin cuci, mesin jait, mesin gilingan padi,,,,,semuanya ambil! dan pergi kau ke ujung dunia atau ga aku lempar kamu ke segitiga bermuda!"
Dean : "tapi neng.."
Nay : "ga ada tapi-tapian! pergi, pergiiiiiiiiiiiii"
Dean : "i, iya neng"
lalu Dean pun ngacir. sementara Nay masih meredakan emosinya. lalu nyamperin Nanny dan Ann.
Nay : "hey, kalian berdua! kalian udah ngancurin hubunganku dan Dean. kalian akan terima akibatnya. sekarang ikut aku!!"
dengan berat hati Nanny dan Ann menuruti Nay.
apakah hukuman dari Nay buat Nanny dan Ann?
dan ternyata.................
Jreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeengggggg (efek gitar)
Nanny dan Ann di jadiin pembokat di rumah Nay.
Nanny : "malang nian nasibku. dari foto model turun derajat jadi pembantu. nasib..nasib.."
Senin, 01 November 2010
Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010
Fly Me to The Moon (chord)
Bm7 G
Fly me to the moon
A Dmaj7
Let me sing among those stars
Em G
Let me see what spring is like
F#7 Bm7
On Jupiter and Mars
Em A Dmaj7 Bm7
In other words, hold my hand
Em A Dmaj7 F#7
In other words, baby kiss me
Bm7 G
Fill my heart with song
A Dmaj7
Let me sing for ever more
Em G
You are all I long for
F#7 Bm7
All I worship and adore
Em A Dmaj7 Bm7
In other words, please be true
Em A Dmaj7 F#7
In other words, I love you
Fly me to the moon
A Dmaj7
Let me sing among those stars
Em G
Let me see what spring is like
F#7 Bm7
On Jupiter and Mars
Em A Dmaj7 Bm7
In other words, hold my hand
Em A Dmaj7 F#7
In other words, baby kiss me
Bm7 G
Fill my heart with song
A Dmaj7
Let me sing for ever more
Em G
You are all I long for
F#7 Bm7
All I worship and adore
Em A Dmaj7 Bm7
In other words, please be true
Em A Dmaj7 F#7
In other words, I love you
Park Shin Hye - Lovely Day (chord)
G Em
salmyeo si nar kkae wo jwo yo My sunshine
Am D
dong hwa sog gong ju cheo reom nuneul gam i gi da ril geoye yo
G Em
nun tteu myeon nae gyeote ham ge har love shot
Am D
dong hwa sog wang ja cheo reom na reul bo myeo useo jul geo jyo
Em Bm
na do mollae du nuni neo man geu ri go
tto mollae du geun geo rin ka seumi so ri chi ne yo
I wanna love you I wanna with you
Em C
geu dae do neu gi na yo nae mameul
G D Em C G
nae ge wa yo jo geum deo da ga wa yo nae mameur ga jyeo yo
Everyday lovely day mae ir sok sagyeo jul ge yo
kaen di bo da dal kom han sa rang eur jul geo ye yo
ma beobe ju muneur georeo syal lalla
tta deut han haet sal gateun neo ui mi so na reur deul chu gin
na do mollae ga seumi tto du geun geo ryeo
du nune a reut geo ryeo i je neun mal hae bollae yo
I wanna love you I wanna with you
geu dae do neu gi na yo nae mameul
nae ge wa yo jo geum deo da ga wa yo nae mameur ga jyeo yo
Everyday lovely day mae ir sok sag yeo jul ge yo
kaen di bo da dal kom han sa rang eur jul geo ye yo
wanna love you wanna with you
ana jullae yo lovely day nae mameur neu kkyeo bwa yo
yeong won hi ham kke hae
ral la ral la ral la ral la mae ir haeng bok man jul geo ya
kaen di bo da dal kom han sa rang eur jul geo ye yo
salmyeo si nar kkae wo jwo yo My sunshine
Am D
dong hwa sog gong ju cheo reom nuneul gam i gi da ril geoye yo
G Em
nun tteu myeon nae gyeote ham ge har love shot
Am D
dong hwa sog wang ja cheo reom na reul bo myeo useo jul geo jyo
Em Bm
na do mollae du nuni neo man geu ri go
tto mollae du geun geo rin ka seumi so ri chi ne yo
I wanna love you I wanna with you
Em C
geu dae do neu gi na yo nae mameul
G D Em C G
nae ge wa yo jo geum deo da ga wa yo nae mameur ga jyeo yo
Everyday lovely day mae ir sok sagyeo jul ge yo
kaen di bo da dal kom han sa rang eur jul geo ye yo
ma beobe ju muneur georeo syal lalla
tta deut han haet sal gateun neo ui mi so na reur deul chu gin
na do mollae ga seumi tto du geun geo ryeo
du nune a reut geo ryeo i je neun mal hae bollae yo
I wanna love you I wanna with you
geu dae do neu gi na yo nae mameul
nae ge wa yo jo geum deo da ga wa yo nae mameur ga jyeo yo
Everyday lovely day mae ir sok sag yeo jul ge yo
kaen di bo da dal kom han sa rang eur jul geo ye yo
wanna love you wanna with you
ana jullae yo lovely day nae mameur neu kkyeo bwa yo
yeong won hi ham kke hae
ral la ral la ral la ral la mae ir haeng bok man jul geo ya
kaen di bo da dal kom han sa rang eur jul geo ye yo
Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010
Sejarah Himuro Mansion
Himuro Mansion yang kadang juga disebut Himikyru Mansion adalah tempat yang gak diketahui secara luas di masyarakat Jepang karena terletak di daerah be-batuan di perbatasan kota Tokyo, Jepang.
Rumah ini dikatakan pernah melakukan pembunuhan besar-besaran pada sejarah Jepang modern (tahunnya aja gak diketahui) Adat lokal telah memiliki ini dari generasi, keluarga Himuro berpartisipasi ritual "memelintir" yang aneh. Yang biasa disebut "The Strangling Ritual" untuk menyegel karma buruk dari dalam bumi, dan dilakukan pada setiap setengah abad atau sebagainya.Versi yang sangat populer pada cerita ini menyatakan karma buruk akan timbul setiap bulan Desember (sementara versi yang lain mengatakan "hampir akhir tahun") dari portal pada bawah tanah Himuro Mansion. Untuk mencegah ini, seorang gadis dipilih dari kelahiran oleh kepala rumah tangga Himuro Mansion dan mengasingkan dari dunia luar untuk mencegahnya dari mengembangkan beberapa hubungan dari dunia luar, yang mana sebagai hasilnya, untuk membahayakan efek dari ritual.
Pada hari dimulainya Strangling Ritual, seorang gadis telah diikat oleh tali mulai dari kaki, tangan, dan lehernya. Tali-talinya mengikat ke sekumpulan sapi atau kuda-kuda untuk merobek kaki-kakinya dari tubuhnya. Tali-tali inilah digunakan untuk mengikat anggota-anggota badannya kemudian merendam di darahnya dan menunggu pintu gerbang portal tadi. Mereka percaya bahwa ini akan menyegel portal selama setengah abad lagi sampai ritualnya diulang kembali.Selama catatan terakhir Strangling Ritual, dikatakan bahwa seorang gadis telah jatuh cinta dengan seorang lelaki yang mencoba untuk menolongnya dari ritual. "Ikatan" ini ke bumi ternoda oleh darahnya dan arwah dan menghancurkan ritualnya secara keseluruhannya. Setelah mengetahui percintaan sang gadis, Kepala keluarga tadi mengambil pedangnya dan membunuh seluruh anggota keluarganya secara brutal, sebelum akhirnya, ketakutan terjadi, dan semua anggota keluarganya jatuh ke pedangnya.
Ini adalah dasar dari angkernya Himuro Mansion. Legenda lokal mengetahuinya bahwa arwah-arwah yang terbunuh oleh Kepala keluarga Himuro Mansion tadi bergentayangan sekitar rumah dan mencoba untuk mengulang ritual yang telah gagal dengan menggunakan siapa yang masuk ke bangunan yang ditinggalkan. Menurut laporan, darah-darah terlihat di bagian dinding Himuro Mansion. Sebagaimana mereka terceklik dari sebilah pedang yang baru-baru ini dipotong menembus daging. Banyak yang melapor melihat arwah-arwah dan hantu-hantu berpakaian serba putih, mencuci pakaian dan mempersiapkan sesaji untuk ritual. Dan ada yang mengatakan bahwa jika seseorang mengambil foto di patung wanita tanpa kepala, maka yang terlihat di foto tadi yaitu seorang gadis kecil.
Editor Tecmo games, Makoto Shibata tertarik dengan Himuro Mansion ini sebagai ide utama untuk game Survival Horror yang sekarang sangat populer yaitu, Fatal Frame mengatakan :
"Pada area di luar Tokyo, disana terletak rumah besar yang mana dikatakan tujuh orang telah dibunuh dengan cara yang mengerikan. Pada kejadian yang sama, disana ada tiga rumah yang terpisah mengelilingi rumah besar itu, yang mana semuanya dikatakan memiliki hubungan ke masalah lalu rumah besar itu. Dikatakan ada jaringan bawah tanah melalui terowongan yang terletak di bawah tempat ini, tetapi tidak ada orang yang mengetahui siapa yang membuat terowongan ini atau tujuan mereka untuk membuatnya. Banyak kejadian yang tidak dapat dipahami telah dilaporkan yang terjadi di rumah besar itu. Bekas-bekas telapak tangan yang berdarah telah ditemukan terpercik di seluruh dinding. Arwah-arwah telah ditemukan di sekitar rumah... bahkan pada waktu siang bolong. Sebuah tangga yang sempit menunjukkan ke loteng dimana sebuah jimat yang menyegel arwah di desas-desuskan menjadi terkunci. Seseorang telah melihat jimat ini, kemudian hanya ditemukan badannya hancur dan tanda-tanda tali di sekitar tangan mereka. Ada patung tua yang sudah rapuh dari wanita dengan memakai kimono, tetapi kepalanya hilang. Jika kamu mengambil foto pada jendela yang tepat, seorang gadis kecil dapat dilihat di gambar yang telah dihasilkan. Peristiwa ini telah memancing ketakutan pada orang-orang Tokyo, dan banyak yang percaya jika ada yang tinggal di dekat area ini akan menjadi terkutuk. Kematian tujuh orang itu sampai sekarang masih belum dijelaskan.
repost from :
Rumah ini dikatakan pernah melakukan pembunuhan besar-besaran pada sejarah Jepang modern (tahunnya aja gak diketahui) Adat lokal telah memiliki ini dari generasi, keluarga Himuro berpartisipasi ritual "memelintir" yang aneh. Yang biasa disebut "The Strangling Ritual" untuk menyegel karma buruk dari dalam bumi, dan dilakukan pada setiap setengah abad atau sebagainya.Versi yang sangat populer pada cerita ini menyatakan karma buruk akan timbul setiap bulan Desember (sementara versi yang lain mengatakan "hampir akhir tahun") dari portal pada bawah tanah Himuro Mansion. Untuk mencegah ini, seorang gadis dipilih dari kelahiran oleh kepala rumah tangga Himuro Mansion dan mengasingkan dari dunia luar untuk mencegahnya dari mengembangkan beberapa hubungan dari dunia luar, yang mana sebagai hasilnya, untuk membahayakan efek dari ritual.
Pada hari dimulainya Strangling Ritual, seorang gadis telah diikat oleh tali mulai dari kaki, tangan, dan lehernya. Tali-talinya mengikat ke sekumpulan sapi atau kuda-kuda untuk merobek kaki-kakinya dari tubuhnya. Tali-tali inilah digunakan untuk mengikat anggota-anggota badannya kemudian merendam di darahnya dan menunggu pintu gerbang portal tadi. Mereka percaya bahwa ini akan menyegel portal selama setengah abad lagi sampai ritualnya diulang kembali.Selama catatan terakhir Strangling Ritual, dikatakan bahwa seorang gadis telah jatuh cinta dengan seorang lelaki yang mencoba untuk menolongnya dari ritual. "Ikatan" ini ke bumi ternoda oleh darahnya dan arwah dan menghancurkan ritualnya secara keseluruhannya. Setelah mengetahui percintaan sang gadis, Kepala keluarga tadi mengambil pedangnya dan membunuh seluruh anggota keluarganya secara brutal, sebelum akhirnya, ketakutan terjadi, dan semua anggota keluarganya jatuh ke pedangnya.
Ini adalah dasar dari angkernya Himuro Mansion. Legenda lokal mengetahuinya bahwa arwah-arwah yang terbunuh oleh Kepala keluarga Himuro Mansion tadi bergentayangan sekitar rumah dan mencoba untuk mengulang ritual yang telah gagal dengan menggunakan siapa yang masuk ke bangunan yang ditinggalkan. Menurut laporan, darah-darah terlihat di bagian dinding Himuro Mansion. Sebagaimana mereka terceklik dari sebilah pedang yang baru-baru ini dipotong menembus daging. Banyak yang melapor melihat arwah-arwah dan hantu-hantu berpakaian serba putih, mencuci pakaian dan mempersiapkan sesaji untuk ritual. Dan ada yang mengatakan bahwa jika seseorang mengambil foto di patung wanita tanpa kepala, maka yang terlihat di foto tadi yaitu seorang gadis kecil.
Editor Tecmo games, Makoto Shibata tertarik dengan Himuro Mansion ini sebagai ide utama untuk game Survival Horror yang sekarang sangat populer yaitu, Fatal Frame mengatakan :
"Pada area di luar Tokyo, disana terletak rumah besar yang mana dikatakan tujuh orang telah dibunuh dengan cara yang mengerikan. Pada kejadian yang sama, disana ada tiga rumah yang terpisah mengelilingi rumah besar itu, yang mana semuanya dikatakan memiliki hubungan ke masalah lalu rumah besar itu. Dikatakan ada jaringan bawah tanah melalui terowongan yang terletak di bawah tempat ini, tetapi tidak ada orang yang mengetahui siapa yang membuat terowongan ini atau tujuan mereka untuk membuatnya. Banyak kejadian yang tidak dapat dipahami telah dilaporkan yang terjadi di rumah besar itu. Bekas-bekas telapak tangan yang berdarah telah ditemukan terpercik di seluruh dinding. Arwah-arwah telah ditemukan di sekitar rumah... bahkan pada waktu siang bolong. Sebuah tangga yang sempit menunjukkan ke loteng dimana sebuah jimat yang menyegel arwah di desas-desuskan menjadi terkunci. Seseorang telah melihat jimat ini, kemudian hanya ditemukan badannya hancur dan tanda-tanda tali di sekitar tangan mereka. Ada patung tua yang sudah rapuh dari wanita dengan memakai kimono, tetapi kepalanya hilang. Jika kamu mengambil foto pada jendela yang tepat, seorang gadis kecil dapat dilihat di gambar yang telah dihasilkan. Peristiwa ini telah memancing ketakutan pada orang-orang Tokyo, dan banyak yang percaya jika ada yang tinggal di dekat area ini akan menjadi terkutuk. Kematian tujuh orang itu sampai sekarang masih belum dijelaskan.
repost from :
Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010
The 3rd
I used to cry & give up..
I nearly went to the wrong way but you, you always show me the right way..
I always chasing you..
wanting to overtake you..
I just wanna talk with you..
You changed me..
Your smile saved me..
So I'm not afraid to die protecting you
Because I ♥ U
You come back to me
after I thought you had to leave me
you come back to me
when I’m with other
I have been thinking you would not wait anymore
when I’m alone, I hope you will accompany me
but it turns out you've been missing
and finally I chose someone who not I love
when I'm in relationship with this person
you were back in my life
I'm confused,
I'm sorry too quick to take decisions
I'm sorry you always late when want me
when I'm near you, I'm happy, comfortable, nervous
but one that certainly I wanted to be with you
what should I do?
end a relationship with someone who is not really I love and relationships with person who really I love?
or continue it?
or not with anyone?
I nearly went to the wrong way but you, you always show me the right way..
I always chasing you..
wanting to overtake you..
I just wanna talk with you..
You changed me..
Your smile saved me..
So I'm not afraid to die protecting you
Because I ♥ U
You come back to me
after I thought you had to leave me
you come back to me
when I’m with other
I have been thinking you would not wait anymore
when I’m alone, I hope you will accompany me
but it turns out you've been missing
and finally I chose someone who not I love
when I'm in relationship with this person
you were back in my life
I'm confused,
I'm sorry too quick to take decisions
I'm sorry you always late when want me
when I'm near you, I'm happy, comfortable, nervous
but one that certainly I wanted to be with you
what should I do?
end a relationship with someone who is not really I love and relationships with person who really I love?
or continue it?
or not with anyone?
Minggu, 25 Juli 2010
What Should I Do by Jisun
geu daen nuh mu dang yeon han du
oonuel nae gae ah bu ull muyt nae yo
oonuel nae gae ah bu ull muyt nae yo
nan geu jeo jal jin nae da het jo
geu daen jeong mal nal nuhmoo moryujo
geu daen jeong mal nal nuhmoo moryujo
geu dae upshido nae ga genchan nuell gut gat na you
geu dae nun na up shi genchanayo
geu dae nun na up shi genchanayo
dang shin up neun sa sange nuh mu do himdull uhseo soom shi neun na ull onemanghetjo
uhtuk ha jo ah jik do nan geudae han madie busuh ji nun haru ull sal a yo
geu dae nae gae malhae ba yo
elawnungae na puninji gedaedo nacheorum
haru ga ah puh go
toh a pun ji malhae ba yo
geu dae wa nan
geu dae nae gae malhae ba yo
elawnungae na puninji gedaedo nacheorum
haru ga ah puh go
toh a pun ji malhae ba yo
geu dae wa nan
eemi nomo nutonnayo oori dashi giwhenun uptnayo
nan ah jik geudell saeng gak hae yo
geu daen a ma aljido moulljo ha
kullkook elungayo elukhae gutingayo
geudae nun eedaero genchanayo
nan ahdwell gut gateundae
gateun sarangeun juk uh do nae gaen uputsultendae
nan ah jik geudell saeng gak hae yo
geu daen a ma aljido moulljo ha
kullkook elungayo elukhae gutingayo
geudae nun eedaero genchanayo
nan ahdwell gut gateundae
gateun sarangeun juk uh do nae gaen uputsultendae
uhtuk ha jo nae ma eumeun geudae nanee myen
nu gu do ahn a jul su upsul tendae
jabal naul jabahjoyo aljanayo
na ran saram ahmulle aesuhdo
geudae ull ji wool suga updangull
jaebal naull jabajoyo
nu gu do ahn a jul su upsul tendae
jabal naul jabahjoyo aljanayo
na ran saram ahmulle aesuhdo
geudae ull ji wool suga updangull
jaebal naull jabajoyo
uhtuk ha jo ah jik do nan geudae han madie busuh ji nun haru ull sal a yo
geu dae nae gae malhae ba yo
elawnungae na puninji gedaedo nacheorum
haru ga ah puh go
toh a pun ji malhae ba yo
geu dae wa nan
geu dae nae gae malhae ba yo
elawnungae na puninji gedaedo nacheorum
haru ga ah puh go
toh a pun ji malhae ba yo
geu dae wa nan
eemi nomo nutonnayo oori dashi giwhenun uptnayo
nah ah jik geudel sanggakhaeyo
geu daen ahma aljidomoulljo ha
nah ah jik geudel sanggakhaeyo
geu daen ahma aljidomoulljo ha
English Version
You ask me how my day was as if it is same everyday
I say I'm okay but you really don't know how I feel
Do you thinkI'll be okay without you?
Are you okay without me?
The world without you is so hard that I blame myself for still breathing
I say I'm okay but you really don't know how I feel
Do you think
Are you okay without me?
The world without you is so hard that I blame myself for still breathing
What should I do?
Even now, I live each painful days because of your words
Tell me if this is a bad thing to do
Are you living each day painfully like I am?
You and me
Even now, I live each painful days because of your words
Tell me if this is a bad thing to do
Are you living each day painfully like I am?
You and me
Are we too late?
Do we not have a chance?
I still think about you and you might know this
Finally is it this?
Are we going to end like this? Is it okay with you?
I dont think I can do it.
The love I find with you, I wont find it anywhere even if I die
Do we not have a chance?
I still think about you and you might know this
Finally is it this?
Are we going to end like this? Is it okay with you?
I dont think I can do it.
The love I find with you, I wont find it anywhere even if I die
What should I do?
If it isnt you no one else can hold my heart
Please hold me.
And you know that even though the whole world tries to
No one can erase your memories.
So please hold me
If it isnt you no one else can hold my heart
Please hold me.
And you know that even though the whole world tries to
No one can erase your memories.
So please hold me
What should I do?
Even now, I live each painful days because of your words
Tell me if this is a bad thing to do
Are you living each day painfully like I am?
You and me
Even now, I live each painful days because of your words
Tell me if this is a bad thing to do
Are you living each day painfully like I am?
You and me
Is it too late?
Do we not have a chance?
But me, I still think about you, and you might not know.
Do we not have a chance?
But me, I still think about you, and you might not know.
Kamis, 24 Juni 2010
Tongue Twisters
A tongue-twister is a phrase that is designed to be difficult to articulate properly. Tongue-twisters may rely on similar but distinct phonemes (e.g., s [s] and sh [ʃ]), unfamiliar constructs in loanwords, or other features of a language.
The hardest tongue-twister in the English language (according to Guinness World Records) is "The sixth sick sheikh's sixth sheep's sick." William Poundstone claims that the hardest English tongue twister is "The seething sea ceaseth and thus the seething sea sufficeth us.
Many tongue-twisters use a combination of alliteration and rhyme. They have two or three sequences of sounds, then the same sequences of sounds with some sounds exchanged. For example, She sells sea shells on the sea shore. The shells that she sells are sea shells I'm sure. or A black bug bit a big black bear, made a big black bear bleed blood.
Billy blew a blue bubble while bouncing on a bongo.
Another example, Betty Botter:
Betty Botter bought a bit of butter
The butter Betty Botter bought was a bit bitter
And made her batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter makes better batter.
So Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter
Making Betty Botter's bitter batter better.
try to speak out these sentences 3 times as quickly as you can:
~she sells sea shells by the seashore
~fuzzy wuzzy was a bear, fuzzy wuzzy had no hair, fuzzy wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he?
~how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
~peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, so where's the peck of pickled peppers that peter piper picked?
~the sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep is sick.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
If Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
But if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Were they pickled when he picked them from the vine?
Or was Peter Piper pickled when he picked the pickled peppers
Peppers picked from the pickled pepper vine?
She sells seashells by the seashore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck all the wood a woodchuck could chuck,
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Shep Schwab shopped at Scott's Schnapps shop;
One shot of Scott's Schnapps stopped Schwab's watch.
I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
Old Mrs. Hunt
Had a rough cut punt
Not a punt cut rough
But a rough cut punt
A tree-toad loved a she-toad
Who lived up in a tree.
He was a two-toed tree-toad,
But a three-toed toad was she.
The two-toed tree-toad tried to win
The three-toed she-toad's heart,
For the two-toed tree-toad loved the ground
That the three-toed tree-toad trod.
But the two-toed tree-toad tried in vain;
He couldn't please her whim.
From her tree-toad bower,
With her three-toed power,
The she-toad vetoed him.
Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch?
Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch?
you may add tongue twisters in the comment box...!
-have fun-
The hardest tongue-twister in the English language (according to Guinness World Records) is "The sixth sick sheikh's sixth sheep's sick." William Poundstone claims that the hardest English tongue twister is "The seething sea ceaseth and thus the seething sea sufficeth us.
Many tongue-twisters use a combination of alliteration and rhyme. They have two or three sequences of sounds, then the same sequences of sounds with some sounds exchanged. For example, She sells sea shells on the sea shore. The shells that she sells are sea shells I'm sure. or A black bug bit a big black bear, made a big black bear bleed blood.
Billy blew a blue bubble while bouncing on a bongo.
Another example, Betty Botter:
Betty Botter bought a bit of butter
The butter Betty Botter bought was a bit bitter
And made her batter bitter.
But a bit of better butter makes better batter.
So Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter
Making Betty Botter's bitter batter better.
try to speak out these sentences 3 times as quickly as you can:
~she sells sea shells by the seashore
~fuzzy wuzzy was a bear, fuzzy wuzzy had no hair, fuzzy wuzzy wasn't very fuzzy, was he?
~how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
~peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, so where's the peck of pickled peppers that peter piper picked?
~the sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep is sick.

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
Did Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers?
If Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
But if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
Were they pickled when he picked them from the vine?
Or was Peter Piper pickled when he picked the pickled peppers
Peppers picked from the pickled pepper vine?
She sells seashells by the seashore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
A woodchuck would chuck all the wood a woodchuck could chuck,
if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Shep Schwab shopped at Scott's Schnapps shop;
One shot of Scott's Schnapps stopped Schwab's watch.
I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop. Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits
How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
Old Mrs. Hunt
Had a rough cut punt
Not a punt cut rough
But a rough cut punt
A tree-toad loved a she-toad
Who lived up in a tree.
He was a two-toed tree-toad,
But a three-toed toad was she.
The two-toed tree-toad tried to win
The three-toed she-toad's heart,
For the two-toed tree-toad loved the ground
That the three-toed tree-toad trod.
But the two-toed tree-toad tried in vain;
He couldn't please her whim.
From her tree-toad bower,
With her three-toed power,
The she-toad vetoed him.
Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch?
Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch?
you may add tongue twisters in the comment box...!
-have fun-
Selasa, 22 Juni 2010
Me on Harry Potter Movie
Jumat, 11 Juni 2010
I think....
not need to be the prettiest but be the most beautiful
not need to be the most handsome man but be the most masculine
not need to be the good but be the best
not need to be the rich in wealth but rich in heart
not need to be the master but be the most wise
not need a lot of talk, but lot of work
not need to be the most handsome man but be the most masculine
not need to be the good but be the best
not need to be the rich in wealth but rich in heart
not need to be the master but be the most wise
not need a lot of talk, but lot of work
Top 20 funny songs chart of the wekwekwekwekwek [just 4 fun]
1. Westlife - flying kabetot sling
2. Celine Dion - my heart will gogon
3. Boys Like Girls - Saman like you
4. David Archuleta – keras
5. Vidi Aldiano - cemburu menguras bak mandi
6. SS501-Mak laper
7. Blue - wawan lap
8. Michelle Branch ft Santana - The Game Koplok
9. D'Masiv - rindu setengah tiang
10. Laruku - ngeces na pipi
11. Backstreet Boys - asep of my heart
12. Green Day - tweety gan
13. Michael Jackson - bintit
14. Avenged Sevenfold - the pait
15. Avril Lavigne – gapret
16. M2M - the dawet away
17. Evanescence – bring me two lap
18. Muse – buleud
19. Rihanna – I’m lela
20. Britney Spear – I’m nyelap yuh
2. Celine Dion - my heart will gogon
3. Boys Like Girls - Saman like you
4. David Archuleta – keras
5. Vidi Aldiano - cemburu menguras bak mandi
6. SS501-Mak laper
7. Blue - wawan lap
8. Michelle Branch ft Santana - The Game Koplok
9. D'Masiv - rindu setengah tiang
10. Laruku - ngeces na pipi
11. Backstreet Boys - asep of my heart
12. Green Day - tweety gan
13. Michael Jackson - bintit
14. Avenged Sevenfold - the pait
15. Avril Lavigne – gapret
16. M2M - the dawet away
17. Evanescence – bring me two lap
18. Muse – buleud
19. Rihanna – I’m lela
20. Britney Spear – I’m nyelap yuh
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
Senin, 24 Mei 2010
Fatal Frame 4 : Mask of The Lunar Eclipse
The fourth game of the Fatal Frame Series, released for the Nintendo Wii console.

10 years ago, five girls were kidnapped and held on Rougetsu Island. The girls were eventually rescued by police detective Choushiro Kirishima who was in pursuit of a wanted criminal. All the girls had no memory of what happened during the time of their capture. Now, years later, two of the five girls have died, and the other three (Ruka, Misaki and Madoka) travel back to the island, in search of their lost memories and the truth about what has happened. Now simply a private investigator, Choushiro Kirishima also returns to the island at the request of Ruka's mother to bring the three girls back.
Main Characters
Ruka Minazuki
The main heroine of Fatal Frame IV. Several years ago, Ruka (a previous native of the island) and four other girls were rescued by a detective after being kidnapped as a child. Now, the remaining two girls have left for the island of Rougetsu, where it all started. In search of her lost memories, Ruka too heads out for the island.
Misaki Asou
One of the surviving kidnapped girls, Misaki is a strong-willed girl who has to have her way. Lead by the vision of a girl in black who appears in her memory, Misaki heads towards Rougetsu Island. However, soon after arriving to the island Misaki, lead by her curiosity, abandons the cowardly Madoka.
Madoka Tsukimori

One of the surviving kidnapped girls, Madoka has a timid personality. Upon Misaki's urging, Madoka follows her to Rougetsu Island. Soon after arriving to the island, Madoka begins to have second thoughts, and suddenly finds herself separated from Misaki. Madoka is the first character you play in the game.
Choushiro Kirishima
The detective who rescued Ruka and the other girls from Rougetsu island several years ago while in the pursuit of a suspect. Now just a private eye, he travels back to the island, upon the request of Ruka's mother, to find Ruka and her friends.
* Chapter 0 - Prologue
Blooming Touch ???
* Chapter 1
Musical Accompaniment
* Chapter 2
* Chapter 3
Forgotten Day
* Chapter 4
The Empty Body
* Chapter 5
The Masked Pair
* Chapter 6
Tsukimori Song
* Chapter 7
Without Suffering
* Chapter 8
* Chapter 9
* Chapter 10
Lingering Cherry Blossoms
* Chapter 11
Lunar Eclipse
* Final Chapter
Zero Stage
Official Links

10 years ago, five girls were kidnapped and held on Rougetsu Island. The girls were eventually rescued by police detective Choushiro Kirishima who was in pursuit of a wanted criminal. All the girls had no memory of what happened during the time of their capture. Now, years later, two of the five girls have died, and the other three (Ruka, Misaki and Madoka) travel back to the island, in search of their lost memories and the truth about what has happened. Now simply a private investigator, Choushiro Kirishima also returns to the island at the request of Ruka's mother to bring the three girls back.
Main Characters

The main heroine of Fatal Frame IV. Several years ago, Ruka (a previous native of the island) and four other girls were rescued by a detective after being kidnapped as a child. Now, the remaining two girls have left for the island of Rougetsu, where it all started. In search of her lost memories, Ruka too heads out for the island.
Misaki Asou

Madoka Tsukimori

One of the surviving kidnapped girls, Madoka has a timid personality. Upon Misaki's urging, Madoka follows her to Rougetsu Island. Soon after arriving to the island, Madoka begins to have second thoughts, and suddenly finds herself separated from Misaki. Madoka is the first character you play in the game.
Choushiro Kirishima

* Chapter 0 - Prologue
Blooming Touch ???
* Chapter 1
Musical Accompaniment
* Chapter 2
* Chapter 3
Forgotten Day
* Chapter 4
The Empty Body
* Chapter 5
The Masked Pair

* Chapter 6
Tsukimori Song
* Chapter 7
Without Suffering
* Chapter 8
* Chapter 9
* Chapter 10
Lingering Cherry Blossoms
* Chapter 11
Lunar Eclipse
* Final Chapter
Zero Stage
Official Links
Fatal Frame 3 : The Tormented

Fatal Frame III: The Tormented is the third game in the Fatal Frame Series, and is exclusive to the PS2.
"I heard this house was haunted...too bad it's not."
―Rei Kurosawa to Miku Hinasaki
"Why did I survive?"
This thought has haunted Rei ever since that day... The day she lost her fiancé in a car accident - while she was at the wheel.
One day, freelance photographer Rei Kurosawa receives an assignment to shoot pictures at an old Japanese manor. Rumor has it that the manor, situated deep in the mountains and miles from anywhere, is haunted.
During her work that day, Rei sees something inexplicable: her fiancé. Yuu Asou. As far as she knows, he is dead. Setting off in pursuit of her dead lover, Rei finds herself wandering deeper and deeper into the ruins of the abandoned mansion.
At the end of a crumbling passageway she turns a corner, and suddenly the scene around her changes. Snow is falling heavily, and reaching out ahead of her are rows and rows of countless gravestones. The scene bears no resemblance to the abandoned house where she has been taking pictures.
"Where am I? What is this place...?"
Afraid and confused, Rei begins her search for Yuu...
- - -
- Opening description from the "Fatal Frame III: the Tormented" Manual.
Main Characters

The main character. She is a freelance photographer suffering the loss and guilt of her recently deceased fiancé, Yuu Aso. One day, while shooting the remains of an old mansion, she catches a glimpse of her fiancé within a photo. Chasing him down the corridor, she finds herself in what appears to be a restored version of the mansion. She encounters spirits and rituals of the past until awoken from her daydream by her assistant, Miku Hinasaki. After that day, Rei begins to have violent and disturbing dreams set within the mansion. A painful blue tattoo spreads over her body each time she wakes, making Rei determined to find answers before her time is up.
Miku Hinasaki

Several years after her experiences at Himuro Mansion, Miku is living with Rei Kurosawa and has taken a job as her assistant. Not much is known about her within the first few chapters, but as the game progresses, Rei discovers that even after his death, Miku can't let go of the memory of her brother, allowing the tattoo to slowly consume her body as well.

A non-fiction writer conducting research into folklore and urban legends. He is also drawn into the House of Sleep in his search for answers regarding the condition of his niece, Mio Amakura. While they don't meet face to face until quite late in the game, he is able to provide Rei with information by means of his letters and research notes sent to his good friend (and Rei's fiancé) Yuu Aso. His Spirit Power is weak and he finds it difficult to fight off the ghosts that attack him. Instead he relies on a wealth of background knowledge and his superior health to help him confront the Curse of the Tattoo.
* Zero Hour

The Calling
* Hour I
The Sign
* Hour II
The Manor of Sleep
* Hour III
The Subduing Song

* Hour IV
The Evil Dream
* Hour V
* Hour VI
The Sacrificial Pillar

* Hour VII
The Hanging Prison
* Hour VIII
The Vacant Dream
* Hour IX
The Unleashing
* Hour X
The Piercing of the Soul
* Hour XI
The Last Passage
* Hour XII
The Ceremony of Commandment

* Hour XIII
Calling of the Tattoo
* Final Hour
Abyss of the Horizon

Fatal Frame III takes a lot of influence from Japanese horror movies, urban legends, Makoto Shibata's personal experiences and dreams, the concept of the Baku spirit (which eats nightmares) and the old Japanese folklore character the Dream Buyer, who bought and sold good dreams. The Manor of Sleep is based on an abandoned house that Shibata-san used to play in as a child.
Suggested Inspired Sources
* Makoto's personal experiences & dreams
* Japanese Baku spirit
* The Japanese folklore character the Dream Buyer
* Manga Yokai Hunter series Daijiro Moroboshi[1]
* Ju-on (The Grudge) series
* The Eye (suggested by fans)
* Junji Ito's Lovesick Dead Comic/Movie (suggested by fans)
* Zero Shisei no Koe Official Fast Capture
* Zero Shisei no Koe Complete Official Capture Book
* Zero Shisei no Koe Comic Anthology
Official Links
Boys Like Girls - Love Drunk

Verse 1:
Top down in the summer sun
The day we met was like a hit and run
Em G
And I still taste it on my tongue
(taste it on my tongue)
The sky was burning up like fireworks
You made me want you oh so bad it hurts
Em A
But girl, in case you haven't heard
I used to be love drunk
But now I'm hungover
I love you forever
Forever is over
We used to kiss all night
Now it's just a barfight
So just call me crazy
Say hello then goodbye
There's just one thing
That would make me say
I used to be love drunk
But now I'm hungover
I Love you forever
But now it's over
(hey! hey! hey! hey! hey! hey! hey! hey!)
Verse 2:
Hot sweat and blurry eyes
We're spinning on a roller coaster ride
Em G
With the world stuck in black and white
You drove me crazy every time we touched
Now im so broken that i can't get up
Em A
Oh girl, you make me such a rush
[To Chorus]
All the time I wasted on you
All the bullshit you put me through
I'm checking into rehab
Cause everything that we had
Didn't mean a thing to you-oooh
I used to be love drunk
But now I'm hungover
I Love you forever
But now it's over...........
[Chorus with capo on 3rd]
Chicken Katsu

* 1 potong dada ayam, buang tulangnya, pipihkan
* 1 sendok makan kecap asin
* 1/2 sendok teh merica bubuk
* 1/2 sendok teh garam
* 1/2 cm jahe, parut
* 1 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
* 1 butir telur, kocok
* 100 gram tepung parnir
Salad kol:
* 150 gram kol, iris halus
* 2 sendok makan thousand island
Acar lobak:
* 100 gram lobak, serut kasar
* 100 gram wortel, serut kasar
* 2 sendok makan gula pasir
* 1 sendok teh garam
* 1 sendok teh cuka
Cara membuat
Chicken katsu: lumuri ayam dengan kecap asin, merica bubuk, garam, jahe, dan bawang putih, lalu diamkan dalam kulkas selama 1 jam.
Tiriskan ayam, lalu celupkan dalam telur kocok, lumuri dengan tepung parnir hingga rata, ulangi sekali lagi.
Goreng ayam dalam minyak banyak hingga matang dan kecoklatan, angkat, tiriskan.
Salad kol: taruh irisan kol dalam piring, lalu tuangi atasnya dengan thousand island.
Acar lobak: campur semua bahan, lalu aduk hingga rata.
Biasanya chicken katsu disajikan bersama-sama dengan salad kol dan acar lobak.
porsi: 2 orang.
My favorite character of game

Miku Hinasaki is the heroine of Fatal Frame and one of the three main characters in Fatal Frame III.
She is the youngest of the two children of Masato and Miyuki Hinasaki. She wears a comb in her hair that belonged to her grandmother Mikoto. Miku is no stranger to tragedy, as her father mysteriously went missing on assignment, and she was the one to discover her mother's hanging corpse in the back of their garden. After the death of their mother, Miku's older brother, Mafuyu, takes care of her. Miku has the rare gift of a sixth sense, and she can see things that other people usually cannot see. This 'gift', however, makes her rather shy, and she finds the only person she can really open up to is her brother.
Miku is taken in by Yuu Asou, who was a co-worker and friend of her brother Mafuyu. Miku gets a black and white cat (apparently a 'gift' from her deceased parents) whom she names Ruri. Yuu eventually introduces Miku to his fiancée Rei Kurosawa, and Miku works as an assistant photographer under Rei. The three live together under the same roof for a while; Miku has her own room where she keeps a photograph of herself and Mafuyu on her desk. While Yuu knows that Miku lost her brother, she has never spoken to Rei about it. Miku tries to put the events of those nights behind her, always wearing a smile on her face. Things go well for the trio, until tragedy strikes, and Yuu is killed in a car accident. After Yuu's death, Rei closes herself off from the outside world so Miku, understanding what it's like to lose someone, takes over the cooking, chores, and errands.
About a month (or two) after Yuu's death (two years since Miku's last adventure), Miku and Rei go on an assignment to take photographs of a supposedly haunted mansion. The trip seems uneventful, until Rei begins having trouble sleeping, and Miku begins to have new nightmares about Himuro Mansion.
Miku begins by collecting information on a woman in a photograph Rei presents to her, Yoshino Takigawa, who was the sole survivor of an airplane crash. As she begins to research and find clues for Rei on the House of Sleep, her dreams become more and more vivid. She dreams of Himuro Mansion, and a Rope Shrine Maiden. She also dreams about a girl called Amane, who is also looking for her brother. Amane tells Miku her brother is here waiting for her, and begins to lead Miku deeper into the manor.
Soon, Miku begins showing symptoms of the Tattooed Curse. During her waking hours she is tired and distant. Rei also catches her singing a lullaby. When she falls asleep she talks in her sleep, calling out for Mafuyu and her mother, as well as sobbing about "the ropes." When the tattoo is nearly covering Miku's body, she tells Rei that she understands the tattoo to be her punishment for living when Mafuyu died. Rei attempts to console her and assures her that they will get through the ordeal. Before Rei goes to bed, Miku tells her that the car accident wasn't her fault and trails off into an apology. She then asks to be left alone.
Miku follows Mafuyu into the Manor of Sleep
Soon after, Miku succumbs to the curse and chases after what appears to be Mafuyu. (In-game there is also the option not to go after Mafuyu, so Miku is instead claimed by Reika). Rei desperately tries to stop her, but can only watch as Miku fades and disappears. When Rei wakes from her dream, she finds Miku fast asleep with Engravers hovering around her. Miku will not wake up, but she is alive.
Rei is able to find a way to stop the curse, and is able to free Miku as well as herself. Miku and Rei continue to live their lives, knowing the reason they both survived is so the ones they cared about who have passed on would live on through them.
Minggu, 23 Mei 2010
putra lagi di serang flu..
putra : "minta duit donk buat ke dokter spesialis. biar cepet sembuh..!" (memelas)
mami : "enak aja dokter spesialis! ke dokter biasa aja lah!"
papi : "ke dokter spesialis nggak, dokter biasa juga nggak. ke puskesmas!"
putra : "hah?? puskesmas? (terpekik)
papi : "emang kenapa kalo ke puskesmas? harga obatnya murah, di jamin sembuh!"
putra : "tapi ngantrinya itu lho!"
papi : "daripada papi bawa ke dukun beranak? mending ke puskesmas!"
putra : "minta duit donk buat ke dokter spesialis. biar cepet sembuh..!" (memelas)
mami : "enak aja dokter spesialis! ke dokter biasa aja lah!"
papi : "ke dokter spesialis nggak, dokter biasa juga nggak. ke puskesmas!"
putra : "hah?? puskesmas? (terpekik)
papi : "emang kenapa kalo ke puskesmas? harga obatnya murah, di jamin sembuh!"
putra : "tapi ngantrinya itu lho!"
papi : "daripada papi bawa ke dukun beranak? mending ke puskesmas!"
C'CEMPLU (Cerita-Cerita pEndek naMun cukuP LUcu)
>> lipstik baru
seorang anak cewek ABG iseng nyoba-nyoba lipstik barunya..
"acara party nanti pake lipstik ini ah..siapa tau nanti ada produser iklan ngliat, kan bisa ditawarin jadi bintang iklan kaos kaki..."
(lha apa hubungannya??)
>> mencetin jerawat
Putri lagi sibuk di depan cermin sambil mencetin jerawatnya dengan kesal karena banyaknya jerawat yang hinggap di jendela, eh di wajahnya! lalu sang mami mendekatinya..
mami : "kamu ini jerawat kok dipencetin gitu??" (heran)
putri : "lumayan, mi. suka ada kuponnya!" (kesal)
>> sekretaris
papinya putra lagi nyeritain sekretaris barunya..
papi : "kamu tau ga, sekretaris baru di kantor papi hebat banget!"
putra : "hebat gimana, pi?" (berkerut dahi)
papi : "dia tu selain cantik dia juga kerjaannya profesional banget, tutur bicaranya sopan dan lemah lembut, kerjaannya bagus banget bahkan dia bisa ngetik komputer sambil merem, sambil bikin kopi.." (kagum)
putra : "aneh, itu sekretaris apa pemain sirkus??"
>> harapan bunda
putra lagi jalan-jalan di mall bareng adenya, putri..lalu mereka ngliat Buset (Budi Setyanto) teman sekolah mereka berdua yang konon katanya sakitnya karena di guna-guna, eh konon ga laku-laku maksudnya, lagi jalan ma cewek cakep.
putri : "eh, kak, itu bukannya si Buset? jalan ma siapa dia?"
putra : "ceweknya kali, de! busyeeett akhirnya si Buset laku juga! mana cakep banget lagi ceweknya. ckckckck.."
putri : "kayaknya dia bukan anak sekolah kita"
putra : "hmm..kayaknya sich anak Harapan Bunda.."
putri : "tau dari mana? kenal ma tu cewek?"
putra : "nggak..soalnya diliat dari seragam batiknya yang gambar ibu-ibu lagi nyuci di kali.."
seorang anak cewek ABG iseng nyoba-nyoba lipstik barunya..
"acara party nanti pake lipstik ini ah..siapa tau nanti ada produser iklan ngliat, kan bisa ditawarin jadi bintang iklan kaos kaki..."
(lha apa hubungannya??)
>> mencetin jerawat
Putri lagi sibuk di depan cermin sambil mencetin jerawatnya dengan kesal karena banyaknya jerawat yang hinggap di jendela, eh di wajahnya! lalu sang mami mendekatinya..
mami : "kamu ini jerawat kok dipencetin gitu??" (heran)
putri : "lumayan, mi. suka ada kuponnya!" (kesal)
>> sekretaris
papinya putra lagi nyeritain sekretaris barunya..
papi : "kamu tau ga, sekretaris baru di kantor papi hebat banget!"
putra : "hebat gimana, pi?" (berkerut dahi)
papi : "dia tu selain cantik dia juga kerjaannya profesional banget, tutur bicaranya sopan dan lemah lembut, kerjaannya bagus banget bahkan dia bisa ngetik komputer sambil merem, sambil bikin kopi.." (kagum)
putra : "aneh, itu sekretaris apa pemain sirkus??"
>> harapan bunda
putra lagi jalan-jalan di mall bareng adenya, putri..lalu mereka ngliat Buset (Budi Setyanto) teman sekolah mereka berdua yang konon katanya sakitnya karena di guna-guna, eh konon ga laku-laku maksudnya, lagi jalan ma cewek cakep.
putri : "eh, kak, itu bukannya si Buset? jalan ma siapa dia?"
putra : "ceweknya kali, de! busyeeett akhirnya si Buset laku juga! mana cakep banget lagi ceweknya. ckckckck.."
putri : "kayaknya dia bukan anak sekolah kita"
putra : "hmm..kayaknya sich anak Harapan Bunda.."
putri : "tau dari mana? kenal ma tu cewek?"
putra : "nggak..soalnya diliat dari seragam batiknya yang gambar ibu-ibu lagi nyuci di kali.."
diciptakan seorang anak yang doyan protes..sampe pada suatu hari terjadi perdebatan dengan ibunya soal bayaran sekolahnya..
ibu : "kamu ini doyan banget protes sich?" (heran)
anak : "ya iyalah! bayaran kan seharusnya 45 ribu, ibu cuma ngasih 10 ribu! gimana aku ga protes??" (kesal)
ibu : "kamu ini doyan banget protes sich?" (heran)
anak : "ya iyalah! bayaran kan seharusnya 45 ribu, ibu cuma ngasih 10 ribu! gimana aku ga protes??" (kesal)
segerombolan cowok-cowok badung lagi ngumpul..
A : "masa gw nabung malah dimarahin ma bokap gw?"
B : "lho? kok?" (heran)
A ; "soalnya gw nabungnya nomor direkening cewek gw!"
all : "hahahahahahahahahaha..."
A : "masa gw nabung malah dimarahin ma bokap gw?"
B : "lho? kok?" (heran)
A ; "soalnya gw nabungnya nomor direkening cewek gw!"
all : "hahahahahahahahahaha..."
ujian sekolah
pada suatu hari di sebuah sekolah sedang melaksanakan ujian. seorang guru tampak memperhatikan murid-muridnya. ada yang mijat-mijat jidat biar otaknya encer, ada yang garuk-garuk dengkul karena ngerasa otaknya ada di dengkul, ada yang merem-melek kayak dukun, ada yang memasukan jari telunjuknya ke hidung, mikir sambil ngupil! "ih jorok!" gumam sang guru. anak-anak tampak kesulitan menjawab soal-soal yang ada di hadapannya. berikut adalah soal-soalnya:
Pilihan Ganda!
1. anak kecil jatuh dari sepeda, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
a.ya di tolonglah! masa dibiarin aja? daripada mati terus gentayangan?
b.pura-pura gak ngeliat
c.ngetawain udah gitu ngatain
d.menolong tanpa berkata apa-apa
2.ada anak yang culunnya gak ketulungan ngfans ma kamu, lalu suatu hari dia minta bantuan ma kamu..
a."tadinya sich gw mo bantu, tapi sorry gw lagi sibuk"
b."why not?"
c."kagggaaaaaakk!! kerjain aja 'ndiri!"
d.dengan PD menolongnya, "kan 1 spesies ma gw, siapa tau jodoh!"
3.baju yang seperti apa yang kamu suka?
a.baju dari kertas paling mantap!
b.apa aja tergantung mood!
c.yang warnanya rada-rada transparan, apalagi di bagian celana.
d.kalo bisa yang water prove, apalagi yang berteknologi tingi dengan berbagai alat canggih!
4.kamu nemuin koper dipinggir jalan yang ternyata isinya uang 1 Milyar. apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
a.cepet-cepet daftar diri ke parpol & sumbangin semua duitnya buat jadi anggota DPR.
b.50% buat sendiri 50% buat amal
c.cari pemiliknya
d.kasih ke semua temen2, masing2 5 juta!
5.negara jepang disebut juga negeri sakura dan....
b.matahari terbit
c.matahari terbenam
d.matahari di siang hari yang terik
6.umpama kamu ditembak cowok/cewek ganteng/cantik, kamu bakal ngapain ma dia?
a.cium dia
b.pukul dia
c.pura-pura ga suka
7.sejelek apakah anda?
a.jelek, culun, item, idup lagi!
b.jelek sangat! pokoknya amit2 dah
c.jelek ga ketulungan
d.jelek banget, sekali, very much. bikin pengen muntah
8.jika ada jin pengabul permintaan dan kamu hanya diberi 1 permintaan. kamu pengen apa?
a.jadi presiden Amerika tau pengen apa
c.pengen kaya!
d.pengen mindahin piramid ke Indonesia
9.siapa cleaning service di Bank dunia?
a.upin ipin
b.sri mulyani
d.anak jin
10.kalo kamu lagi stres suka ngapain?
a.makan batu
b.makan orang
c.makan tanah
d.makan tempat
1.apa jenis kelamin kuda yang dinaiki Pangeran Diponegoro?
2.shampo apa yang di pake RA. Kartini?
3.siapa yang membuat kapal Cornelis de Houtman?
4.binatang apa yang gak mau dikasih makan?
5.5 ekor burung di dahan sebuah pohon, ditembak 2. tinggal berapa?
6.50 X 1234567890 + 9876543210 : 3 log 9 - ¾³ : cos 90 =......
7.Mira dan Reni membeli kue di toko Murah. Mira membeli kue pisang dan 5 kue keju. ia membayar Rp.13.100,-. Reni membeli 2 kue pisang & 2 kue keju. reni membayar Rp.6.600,-. Mira dan Reni membeli kue dengan harga satuan yang sama. siapakah nama penjual kue itu?
8.dalam 1 pertemuan ada 25 orang saling berjabat tangan satu sama lain. banyaknya jabat tangan yang terjadi adalah...
9. bus A jurusan Majalengka-Jakarta melaju dengan kecepatan 60 km/jam & bus B dengan jurusan yang sama melaju dengan kecepatan 80 km/jam. waktu yang di tempuh bus A adalah 5 jam. berapa jumlah penumpang bus B dan siapa nama sopir bus A?
10.apa merk pasta gigi yang di pakai Obama?
begitu lah soal-soal yang harus dijawab oleh para siswa.
2 jam kemudian ujian selesai. dan sang guru berkata, "terima kasih atas perhatiannya & nanti pada saat jam istirahat, hasil ujian bisa kalian liat. tapi sebelumnya kita liat dulu nyok yang mau lewat! nyok, nyok, nyoook..........!
Pilihan Ganda!
1. anak kecil jatuh dari sepeda, apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
a.ya di tolonglah! masa dibiarin aja? daripada mati terus gentayangan?
b.pura-pura gak ngeliat
c.ngetawain udah gitu ngatain
d.menolong tanpa berkata apa-apa
2.ada anak yang culunnya gak ketulungan ngfans ma kamu, lalu suatu hari dia minta bantuan ma kamu..
a."tadinya sich gw mo bantu, tapi sorry gw lagi sibuk"
b."why not?"
c."kagggaaaaaakk!! kerjain aja 'ndiri!"
d.dengan PD menolongnya, "kan 1 spesies ma gw, siapa tau jodoh!"
3.baju yang seperti apa yang kamu suka?
a.baju dari kertas paling mantap!
b.apa aja tergantung mood!
c.yang warnanya rada-rada transparan, apalagi di bagian celana.
d.kalo bisa yang water prove, apalagi yang berteknologi tingi dengan berbagai alat canggih!
4.kamu nemuin koper dipinggir jalan yang ternyata isinya uang 1 Milyar. apa yang akan kamu lakukan?
a.cepet-cepet daftar diri ke parpol & sumbangin semua duitnya buat jadi anggota DPR.
b.50% buat sendiri 50% buat amal
c.cari pemiliknya
d.kasih ke semua temen2, masing2 5 juta!
5.negara jepang disebut juga negeri sakura dan....
b.matahari terbit
c.matahari terbenam
d.matahari di siang hari yang terik
6.umpama kamu ditembak cowok/cewek ganteng/cantik, kamu bakal ngapain ma dia?
a.cium dia
b.pukul dia
c.pura-pura ga suka
7.sejelek apakah anda?
a.jelek, culun, item, idup lagi!
b.jelek sangat! pokoknya amit2 dah
c.jelek ga ketulungan
d.jelek banget, sekali, very much. bikin pengen muntah
8.jika ada jin pengabul permintaan dan kamu hanya diberi 1 permintaan. kamu pengen apa?
a.jadi presiden Amerika tau pengen apa
c.pengen kaya!
d.pengen mindahin piramid ke Indonesia
9.siapa cleaning service di Bank dunia?
a.upin ipin
b.sri mulyani
d.anak jin
10.kalo kamu lagi stres suka ngapain?
a.makan batu
b.makan orang
c.makan tanah
d.makan tempat
1.apa jenis kelamin kuda yang dinaiki Pangeran Diponegoro?
2.shampo apa yang di pake RA. Kartini?
3.siapa yang membuat kapal Cornelis de Houtman?
4.binatang apa yang gak mau dikasih makan?
5.5 ekor burung di dahan sebuah pohon, ditembak 2. tinggal berapa?
6.50 X 1234567890 + 9876543210 : 3 log 9 - ¾³ : cos 90 =......
7.Mira dan Reni membeli kue di toko Murah. Mira membeli kue pisang dan 5 kue keju. ia membayar Rp.13.100,-. Reni membeli 2 kue pisang & 2 kue keju. reni membayar Rp.6.600,-. Mira dan Reni membeli kue dengan harga satuan yang sama. siapakah nama penjual kue itu?
8.dalam 1 pertemuan ada 25 orang saling berjabat tangan satu sama lain. banyaknya jabat tangan yang terjadi adalah...
9. bus A jurusan Majalengka-Jakarta melaju dengan kecepatan 60 km/jam & bus B dengan jurusan yang sama melaju dengan kecepatan 80 km/jam. waktu yang di tempuh bus A adalah 5 jam. berapa jumlah penumpang bus B dan siapa nama sopir bus A?
10.apa merk pasta gigi yang di pakai Obama?
begitu lah soal-soal yang harus dijawab oleh para siswa.
2 jam kemudian ujian selesai. dan sang guru berkata, "terima kasih atas perhatiannya & nanti pada saat jam istirahat, hasil ujian bisa kalian liat. tapi sebelumnya kita liat dulu nyok yang mau lewat! nyok, nyok, nyoook..........!
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
cerita lucu : rautan
sebuah SMA sedang terjadi kehilangan barang yang ada di laboratorium & akhirnya Kepsek memutuskan untuk menggeledah para siswa.
pada saat Pak Guru yang menurut anak-anak itu cukup galak, mengintrogasi seorang anak yang roman mukanya bandel di dalam tasnya ada barang yang mirip-mirip barangnya sekolah,
Pak Guru : "hei, apa ini??"
Siswa : "ini rautan, Pak!" (cuek)
Pak Guru : "rautan kok kaya mikroskop??"
Siswa : "bentuknya aja, Pak, kayak mikroskop. sekarang kan model rautan macam-macam. jangankan kayak mikroskop, yang kayak............" (cengengesan)
Pak Guru : "yang kayak apa??"
Siswa : "ah, enggak.." (cengar-cengir)
mau tau ga, apa yg pngen d omongin ma anak bandel itu? dia mau bilang "yang kayak lobang idung bapak juga banyak!"
ih, bandel ya? untung ga d ucapin!
pada saat Pak Guru yang menurut anak-anak itu cukup galak, mengintrogasi seorang anak yang roman mukanya bandel di dalam tasnya ada barang yang mirip-mirip barangnya sekolah,
Pak Guru : "hei, apa ini??"
Siswa : "ini rautan, Pak!" (cuek)
Pak Guru : "rautan kok kaya mikroskop??"
Siswa : "bentuknya aja, Pak, kayak mikroskop. sekarang kan model rautan macam-macam. jangankan kayak mikroskop, yang kayak............" (cengengesan)
Pak Guru : "yang kayak apa??"
Siswa : "ah, enggak.." (cengar-cengir)
mau tau ga, apa yg pngen d omongin ma anak bandel itu? dia mau bilang "yang kayak lobang idung bapak juga banyak!"
ih, bandel ya? untung ga d ucapin!
sleeping priestess (Fatal Frame 3 : The Tormented)

Sleep, Priestess, Lie in peace.
Sleep, Priestess, Lie in peace.
If you cry, the boat you'll ride
The last trip to the other side
Once you get there
Sacred marks you'll bear,
They shall be peeled off
Should you fail to lie still
Sleep, Priestess, Lie in peace.
Sleep, Priestess, Lie in peace.
If the Priestess wakes from her dream,
Perform the rite of stakes.
Her limbs pinned tight,
Lest the doors open wide,
And suffering unleashed on all.
Go to the other side.
Go to the other side.
Cast the boat, take a ride.
Cross the RIFT, to the other side.
Further, and further, to the other side.
It must sail, bearing your tattoos
And our offering of tears...
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